
Earlier Tweets

On the trip down valley, it seemed that half the the autumn leaves have succumbed to the two days of winter-like rain (03 Nov 08)

Picked all the Spartans :: Keepers that last 'til April :: Best apple there is! (11 Nov 08)

"A day without caulk on your hands is like a day without sunshine" -- eternal words uttered by Shri Rongley as he spread a bead today (19 Nov 08)

Our health system sucks Big ins premiums go up Millions aren't covered. Now is reform time Profits out of the picture Single payer now (22 Jun 09)

Now is time Barack To act like a Roosevelt. Butt heads & twist arms! :: Bluedogs & repugs Want to can your healthplan. Stand up & fight now! (28 Jun 09)

MJ's songs and moves Just didn't do it for me, But I know your loss. :: I think on Lennon, Another time and sadness. My gen knows your pain. (29 Jun 09)

Hypermilers know Excess use of your brakes means You're just wasting gas (02 Jul 09)

Bipartisanship? / This disease inflicts Barack, / Might be terminal.; On health care mandate / Obama needs to step up. / His centrism sucks (04 Jul 09)

Outside, jasmine scent / And hint of gunpowder too / Must be July 5th (05 Jul 09)

Don't count SP out. / Think how far Wacko Bush got. / Voters like failures! (06 Jul 09)

Twaiku: Make your tweet / With 100 40 chars, / 5 7 5 syls. :: One stanza: easy./ More: not. Abbrevs, digits, help / & so do symbols (06 Jul 09)

Foggy summer night | Air so thick it wets my face | Distant foghorn moans (10 Jul 09)

Healthcare reform will fail without a viable alternative to for-profit insurance ripoffs (17 Aug 09)

Tell Obama that the public option is not optional (18 Aug 09)



Worth a read (thanks to Truthurts)...

Hitchens says Palin's actions are demagogy. I looked up this term and found that a demagogue (or, demagog) is "a person who tries to stir up the people by appeals to emotion, prejudice, etc. in order to win them over quickly and so gain power"
It seems to me that Sarah Palin, more aptly, is a "demagaga"