
2016 Tweets

Trumputzers = people who idolize the Primadonnald Drumpf (12 Feb 16)

Time to call out DJT's blather for what it is -- Drumpferdesheisse (13 Feb 16)

Amazing how so many eagerly gobble up tasty Drumpferdeshiesse & apparently want it served on the White House menu for the next 4 years (06 Mar 16)

Trump now reaping the whirlwind he has sown - Chicago only the beginning (12 Mar16)

Making the country great again sounds fine, until you understand that GREAT stands for: Greed, Racism, Ego, Anger and Tyranny (15 Mar 16)

A next four years of right-wing constitushunal governance or rabid Drumpfism will destroy any remaining semblance to democracy in the US (15 Mar 16)

Wake up America! Only Bernie can beat Donny – backing Hilary is steering off course, insuring a disfunctional future for almost everyone (16 Mar 16)

GOP narrows choices to Don the Tyrantosaurus Dreck or Ted the Teabagging Talibangelical – both portend the end of civil society in the US (16 Mar16)

A little rebellion now and then is a good thing...God forbid that we should ever be twenty years without such a rebellion. - TJefferson (10 Apr 16)

Getting with the newspeak program: Czech Republic, is now Czechia; United States of America is now Murika (16 Apr 16)

DYK that DRUMPF is German for: 'the sound a turd makes dropping into the toilet bowl' – No wonder family changed it's name (16 Apr 16)

US billions in “aid” to Saudisrael is just stocking up on fuel for the fires of WW3 (19 Ap r16)

Hillary's neo-liberal corporatist history...lip-service to the poor and lap-service to the rich (19 Apr 16)

Debunking neoliberalism: "Privatization" = piratization (01 May 16)

Debunking neoliberalism: "Trickle Down Economics" = pee on the poor (01 May 16)

Taxes are the dues we pay to live in a civil society – and tax evasion is tantamount to criminal sociopathy (02 May 16)

Bernie's political career filled with help for the disenfranchised, while Hillary mostly shilled for the highest bidder (31 May 16)

Debunking neoliberalism: “Fiscal Austerity” = forcing the people to empty their pockets to pay huckster financiers (01 Jun 16)

Reprehensible AP&NBC calling nom for HRC before 6 primaries & July convention votes – Maddow should quit – deleting my NBC app in protest (07 Jun 16)

Der Furhair's misogyny is true to type - Drumpf family fortune was generated from Yukon brothels (12 Jun 16)

Gun control now: One year no questions buyback program for semi' & auto' weapons; possession to be criminal offense thereafter (15 Jun 16)

If you profess to be a real Christian (but you support Donald Trump)...guess what, you're NOT! (21 Jun 16)

Debunking neoliberalism: “Deregulation” = businesses avoid paying social & environmental costs, all for immediate profit of investors (22 Jun 16)

Bigoted & unrepentant? Then you're a CINO (Christian In Name Only), so forget being “saved” or “going to Heaven”  (25 Jun 16)

Debunking US neoliberalism: “Free Trade” = corporate imperialism (wage-slavery in the developing-world & loss of jobs at home) (26 Jun 16)

The Republican party needs to be called out, stood in front of the wall of public opinion & shot by MSM firing squad (27 Jun 16)

13 Senate DINOs vote w/Republicans to FastTrack TPP: Sens. Patty Murray & Maria Cantwell, as WA voter you have lost my future support (27 Jun 16)

End US' two party hegemony: Federal Election Commission w/3 Democs & 3 Repubs means independents & 3rd parties have zero representation (04 Sep 16)

End US' two party hegemony: Commission on Presidential Debates, corp 100% owned by Dems & Repubs, locks out all 3rd parties & independents (04 Sep 16)

Have US sync w/most nations, w/01 May Labor Day, then rename 1st Mon in Sep “Education Day” to honor students/teachers (back2school time)? (06 Sep 16)

Sick of courts favoring business claims of lost profit or damaged property over those of the people negatively affected by those businesses (08 Sep 16)

Following MSM?: Treats electorate as audience, Election as reality TV, Votes as ratings.  Eager for the “horror show” profits if Trump wins (20 Sep 16)

Making the country great again sounds fine, until you understand that GREAT is code that stands for: Greed, Racism, Ego, Anger and Tyranny (20 Sep 16)

Perhaps Trump wants son-in-law have clearance to read daily briefs to him, so world won't discover finally that he is functionally illiterate. (15 Oct 16)

Is DJT functionally illiterate, incapable of understanding long sentences >140 chars, & so needs son-in-law to read daily briefs to him? (16 Nov 16)

With every new Trump White House staff appointment, my despair deepens and admiration for protesters mounts. (18 Nov 16)

EUA ahora jodido por Desigualdad Intolerancia Odio Codicia Racismo Xenofobia.  Sal si puedes, subleva si no! (18 Nov 16)

HRC revealing would-be cabinet & WH staff picks before Electoral College votes, forces electors to reconsider consequences of vote for DJT (20 Nov 16)

BHO, before you leave, please... Empty & close Guantanamo; Pardon Snowden & Pelletier; Terminate DAPL; Finish up with EPA rule-making (21 Nov 16)

Trump only picks capos f/cabnt who're obedient-loyal-authoritarian-ruthless since all he knows of governance was learned from mafia buddies (22 Nov 16)

WA-OR-CA on Pacific & NewEng to south on Atlantic need to become #sanctuarycoasts, blue states united to shelter f/capture & deportation (22 Nov 16)

Trump thinks when Prez he'll have prerogatives of a dictator - no laws will apply to him & he'll possess a golden get-out-of-jail-free card (23 Nov 16)

DJ Trump beats PT Barnum as world's greatest con-man: TrumpU = 6000+ greedsters cheated; 2016 election = 60 million+ sheeple fleeced (26Nov16)

200 yrs of US Army tribal suppression, redux – time for UN peacekeepers to protect indigenous nations from aggression & displacement in ND? (27Nov16)

Swamp purportedly being drained, only to be replaced by a cesspool of pirates, hacks & sycophants bent on destroying democracy (30 Nov 16)

Trumpist decisions based on factual evidence will be corrupt, since Drumpf himself lies with abandon & now there's “no such thing as facts” (06 Dec 16)

Not looking fwd to 20Jan, when “Hail to the Chief” for Obama is renamed to “Hail to the Cheat” or will it be “Hail to the Cheeto” for Drumpf  (14 Dec 16)

Noam Chomsky: ‘The Republican Party has become the most dangerous organization in world history"  (14 Dec 16)

Noam Chomsky:  “The Republican party is dedicated to racing as rapidly as possible to the  destruction of organised human life.” (17 Dec 16)

Unpresidented?  Today we see which Repubs are lock-step bigots, and how many are clear-thinking patriots. Last chance to stop drumpfacism!  (19 Dec 16)

Exit stage left, the Obamas, to be remembered as class act.  Enter stage right, the Trumps, almost sure to be an abominably crass act. (22 Dec 16)

No swamp-draining, just reaching down with his tiny hands into the muck & elevating crapublican sludge-dwellers up to cab/staff scum level (23 Dec 16)

So, the commendable dancers who choose not to perform semi-clad in front of the Great Misogynist – can we call them the Mockettes?  (28 Dec 16)

Bring on more snarky humor to fight the thin-skinned would be dictator. Charlie Hebdo: Mockery is a weapon to be aimed at the powerful... (28 Dec 16)

Resolve to: Protect – Defy – Defend – Withstand – Speak Out – Stand Up – Impugn – Accuse – Hold Accountable – Challenge – Dispute – Resist (29 Dec 16)

If Trump continues to disrespect of office of Prez, we surely should not hold back any of our  disrespect for him or his tea-bagging toadies (30 Dec 16)

Righty uptighties & Lefty loosers!  Once inAugerated, Trump's Wingnut admin will tighten down last Screws on Awl freedom, rights & democracy (31 Dec16)