
2018 Tweets

The core truth that unites Trump and his supporters is that he hates who we hate—and the border wall stands for keeping out those unwanted people and all they represent. (19 Jan 18)

Time for procedural changes to bypass House Speaker's & Senate Majority Leader's chokeholds on legislation. Need a new rule that bills can be brought to the floor for general discussion and vote by any member who can garner bipartisan sponsorship signed by 2/3 of the members. (13 Mar 18)

Why isn't proffering prez pardons before the fact considered a form of obstruction of justice? (13 Apr 18)

Firing Comey like throwing a green branch on a fire:solely intended to cover up & slow the exposé of wide & deep collusion re: #TrumpRussia ((12 May 18)

Waiting to see network news-crawl tallying the lies on daily basis.  Why is this not called out as ongoing PrevariGate? https://washingtonpost.com/graphics/politics/trump-claims-database/ (25 May 18)

I try to be open-minded, but when I see a MAGA or GOP bumper-sticker on a vehicle ahead of me, I read it as...”Bigot on Board” (15 Jun 18)

An invasion of people coming to infest the US? The only evidence I see is the present infestation of vermin in the White House, and the only invasion we are experiencing is the Invasion of the Kiddy-Snatchers (30 Jun 18)

Apparently the “GOP” after a politicians name means “Greed Over Patriotism” (18 Jul 18)

With the passing of John McCain, the media mostly distorts history with hagiographic lionizing. He was both admirable & abhorable. Honorable & sometimes bipartisan, great!  Obits overlooking unnumbered deaths from wars he supported thru unwavering militarism, aren't worth my time (27 Aug 18)

Evangelicals are really “apocalypticans” banking on hastening the end times, leading to their rapture...little do they realize that doing so they surely will end up spending eternity with Satan, aided in their fate by Trump his hench-demon (13 Sep 18)

News is that there's a book coming out, ghostwritten by Steve Bannon for DJT as an ideology & goals statement...tentative title: “Mein Drumpf” (05 Nov 18)

Those non-disclosure agreements written to silence witnesses-to or victims-of criminal acts, should be illegal in future, and deemed null & void looking back -- Suits claiming breach of such contracts have no place in a fair & civil society (23 Nov 18)