If you're a puppet, there's no need to collude, but it helps being a blockhead.(29 Mar 19)
In Venezuela, White Supremacy is a Key to Trump's Coup https://gregpalast.com/in-venezuela-white-supremacy-is-a-key-to-trump-coup/… (30 Mar 19)
Estimated 40,000 Venezuelan dead due to US-imposed “sanctions” (another name for Economic Warfare) - Objective: to turn people against their own leaders by creating deep suffering & terrorizing of an innocent population (and all to control the oil & put rightwing thugs in power) (02 May 19)
Eisenhower era moderate & socially responsible Republicans now almost totally forgotten, with GOP almost wholly transformed into Trumpist xenophobic & greed-driven Republikkkan party of today. Woe is America! (22 Jul 19)
Would hope that those wearing a MAGA cap might now realize that the GREAT in that phrase always stood for: Greed, Racism, Ego, Anger and Tyranny (30 Jul 19)
Progressives, trust your gut: Elizabeth Warren is not one of us (26 Nov 19)
Don't get gaslit by those touting medical plan "choice" (16 Dec 19)
There’s also the possibility that both political parties have been wrong and that the solution, rather than being roughly halfway between their answers, is different from what either has been proposing. (24 Dec 19)
The super-wealthy individuals and huge corporations that own the biggest U.S. media outlets don’t want actual democracy. It would curb their profits and their power. (24 Dec 19)