
2020 Tweets

Supreme Court might rule soon on 2020 election, Lots of right-wing thuggery in the resumés of the three new Trump-appointed stooges: Null GoreSnatch, Brat Cravenyaw & Ani Croney- BarrEtte. I just can’t imagine how they might opine, can you? (29 Oct 20)

To each his/her own opiate: Agnostic, Atheist, Baha'i, Buddhist, Christian, Confucian, Hindu, Jainist, Jew, Muslim, Shintoist, Sikh, Taoist, Zoroastrian, &c ⎼ mono- or polytheist. Trouble comes with imposition on others via theocratic govt (18 Oct 20)

Looking forward to more progressives adding to the number of Squad members in Congress come 01 January. Maybe a full Platoon this time, and a full Troop the next? May they never give up in the battle for economic and social equality. (18 Oct 20)

SCOTUS already imbalanced at 5:3 (the right a strong majority) & adding ACB tilts even more. Putting 2 more on left would make it 6:5 - how is this "packing?" (11 Oct 20)

With all the Crok coming out of the White House and more sycophants falling ill, is it too soon or insensitive to exclaim “Croaky”? (06 Oct 20)

To friends, you can say anything that enters your mind. Acquaintances have an unreal image of you, & you must self-edit to fit. You can be with a person for a few hours & have a friend. Another remains an acquaintance for thirty years. (28 Sep 20)

Ranks of armed police pushing/provoking civilian protesters is abhorrent. Those that find employment and enjoy/follow orders to oppress the people by wielding batons against fellow citizens are truly execrable thugs (27 Sep 20)

Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter - Martin Luther King, Jr.(26 Sep 20)

If the Nuremberg laws were applied, then every post-war American president would have been hanged. - Noam Chomsky (24 Sep 20)

Outrageous, but it’s true — Trump is the most dangerous figure in human history. The Republican Party today is the most dangerous organization in human history.  ⎼ Noam Chomsky, 30 July 2020, interview with Amy Goodman (20 Sep 20)

Now it seems to be OK to be deplored by the actions of disgusting people, and to be disgusted by the actions of deplorable people. True, and not a coincidence that these are accurate judgements from both sides of the dais (19 Sep 20)

Donald Trump is a malignant narcissist whose sadism is front & center. It dominates his life. It is instinctual. Trump is not able to reign it in because it is deeply entrenched in his psyche. (15 Sep 20)

US in an unpresidented state since Obama flew off in Marine One – now in small hands of a flailing Presidunce & the greedy Kleptoclicans who are destroying democracy and furthering fascism (13 Sep 20)

US billions in “aid” (aka: weapons sales) to Saudisrael and now other mid-east potentates is just stocking up on fuel for the fires of WW3 (12 Sep 20)

The DNC's neo-liberal corporatist history...lip-service to the poor and lap-service to the rich (12 Sep 20)

The re-election of the TrumPence administration is an Excremental Threat to democracy, the rule of law, world peace and the survival of the human species (10 Sep 20)

Early every morning I check Twitter to see if 46-1 has died, resigned or been removed, or if a scandal large enough has broken that will cause Senate repugs to renounce him publically (10 Sep 20)

Better a Democratic socialist than a Republican fascist (09 Sep 20)

Everything ever created by a person who is now dead should be made freely available to all. The gatekeepers to intellectual products made by the dead are parasites… (11 Aug 20)

For me, any one of these. Of the others I'll get behind almost anyone but (shudder) Kamala Harris, a poison pill who will force many to turn their backs on the ticket. (02 Aug 20)

Adam Smith, Dem Rep for WA9 just east of Seattle & HASC Chair claims to be a moderate, touts a few blue progressive views to get re-elected w/o challenge, earns his big-bucks from Mil-IndCom supporting US wars, military expansion & funding (14 Jul 20)

[@BandyXLee] An important brave voice, hopefully not long silenced. Please visit her time line… (01 Jul 20)

Without Barbara Lee named for VP, many progressives would be hard pressed to support the ticket (19 Jun 20)

The older I get, the further left my politics seems to become. I am hoping that's because the saying “Aetate et sapientia est” is true... With age comes wisdom. (10 Jun 20)

Worth endless repetition... state called-for Sanctions are just another word for Economic Warfare (09 Jan 20)

Salus populi suprema lex... The welfare of the people is the ultimate law. (09 Jun 20)

Not Antifa, but for sure anti Profa (07 Jun 20)

Behind the new 8' wall around the White House, can we next expect to see the Corps of Engineers constructing a moat, the Seabees pumping it full from the Tidal Basin, and the Park Service stocking it with alligators? (04 Jun 20)

Not a BernieBro, I'm just someone who would like the opportunity to vote for the Greater Good for once, not the centrist Lesser Evil, like the corporatist Democlicans (or is it Republicrats) are foisting on us this time around AGAIN. (16 May 20)

In 2008, the campaign was about Hope & Change.  Seems like 2020 is about Grope & Cringe. (14 May 20)

If the USA had a functioning democracy, Bernie Sanders would be gearing up to serve his second term as President (01 May 20)

Barack Obama Was Never the Man We Thought He Was by Beatrice Phi/link to medium.com (27 Apr 20)

Joe Biden Just Made Everyone on the Left Look Like Hypocrites by Beatrice Phi/link to medium.com (24 Apr 20)

Let me get this straight... With DNCentrists/Corporatists and their MSM minions now successful at burying Bernie, it means now I have to choose the lesser evil AGAIN. So it's between Lying Creepy Demento Joe or Lying Cockamamy Psycho Don ? (16 Apr 20)

[reply to @MarylKDetroit, Mar 12] It's just that Biden has performed so erratically in the debates & on the stump, & with Trump's attacking him for the clear mental decline & so many lies over his past positions, we fear Joe will crumple. Only Bernie shows consistent integrity & ability to fight for his beliefs (13 Mar 20)

A godsend for white supremacist eugenicists, Covid-19 will predominantly cull out the poor, weak & sick. With them gone, long-term social services expenditures can be cut – a dream come true for Repugs & Libertarians (12 Mar 20)

Neoliberal DNCentrists operating to choose a mentally deteriorating Biden over crusty fighter Sanders will result in a Trump re-election, as Dementia Joe is overwhelmed by Psycho Don in November (12 Mar 20)

Joe Biden has shown himself to be fundamentally weak, unreliable, and dishonest. (10 Mar 20)

Amy, Pete & Beto showed their true “progressive” colors with those endorsements, revealing that they were always corporatist hacks.  A vote for Dementia Joe Biden in the primaries is a gift to the Repugniclans in November. Only Bernie can beat Trump! (04 Mar 20)

Beware the wordsalad grift, funded by corporatist billionaires, being worked on voters by policy-bare what-me-worry Mayor Pete BeautyGlib, whose only attributes are a pretty white face and a gift for gab (09 Feb 20)

Seems a vote for Warren in Iowa is actually a vote for Biden (02 Feb 20)

DNCentrists show their colors... anything to stop Bernie and the progressive blue tsunami (01 Feb 20)

Good government begins at home. I support Jason Call, WA Cong District 2 (19 Jan 20)

November is when we end the terrorist toiletarian regime in Washington (11 Jan 20)


2019 Tweets

If you're a puppet, there's no need to collude, but it helps being a blockhead.(29 Mar 19)

In Venezuela, White Supremacy is a Key to Trump's Coup https://gregpalast.com/in-venezuela-white-supremacy-is-a-key-to-trump-coup/ (30 Mar 19)

Estimated 40,000 Venezuelan dead due to US-imposed “sanctions”  (another name for Economic Warfare) - Objective: to turn people against their own leaders by creating deep suffering & terrorizing of an innocent population (and all to control the oil & put rightwing thugs in power) (02 May 19)

Eisenhower era moderate & socially responsible Republicans now almost totally forgotten, with GOP almost wholly transformed into Trumpist xenophobic & greed-driven Republikkkan party of today. Woe is America! (22 Jul 19)

Would hope that those wearing a MAGA cap might now realize that the GREAT in that phrase always stood for: Greed, Racism, Ego, Anger and Tyranny (30 Jul 19)

Progressives, trust your gut: Elizabeth Warren is not one of us (26 Nov 19)

Don't get gaslit by those touting medical plan "choice" (16 Dec 19)

There’s also the possibility that both political parties have been wrong and that the solution, rather than being roughly halfway between their answers, is different from what either has been proposing. (24 Dec 19)

The super-wealthy individuals and huge corporations that own the biggest U.S. media outlets don’t want actual democracy. It would curb their profits and their power. (24 Dec 19)


2018 Tweets

The core truth that unites Trump and his supporters is that he hates who we hate—and the border wall stands for keeping out those unwanted people and all they represent. (19 Jan 18)

Time for procedural changes to bypass House Speaker's & Senate Majority Leader's chokeholds on legislation. Need a new rule that bills can be brought to the floor for general discussion and vote by any member who can garner bipartisan sponsorship signed by 2/3 of the members. (13 Mar 18)

Why isn't proffering prez pardons before the fact considered a form of obstruction of justice? (13 Apr 18)

Firing Comey like throwing a green branch on a fire:solely intended to cover up & slow the exposé of wide & deep collusion re: #TrumpRussia ((12 May 18)

Waiting to see network news-crawl tallying the lies on daily basis.  Why is this not called out as ongoing PrevariGate? https://washingtonpost.com/graphics/politics/trump-claims-database/ (25 May 18)

I try to be open-minded, but when I see a MAGA or GOP bumper-sticker on a vehicle ahead of me, I read it as...”Bigot on Board” (15 Jun 18)

An invasion of people coming to infest the US? The only evidence I see is the present infestation of vermin in the White House, and the only invasion we are experiencing is the Invasion of the Kiddy-Snatchers (30 Jun 18)

Apparently the “GOP” after a politicians name means “Greed Over Patriotism” (18 Jul 18)

With the passing of John McCain, the media mostly distorts history with hagiographic lionizing. He was both admirable & abhorable. Honorable & sometimes bipartisan, great!  Obits overlooking unnumbered deaths from wars he supported thru unwavering militarism, aren't worth my time (27 Aug 18)

Evangelicals are really “apocalypticans” banking on hastening the end times, leading to their rapture...little do they realize that doing so they surely will end up spending eternity with Satan, aided in their fate by Trump his hench-demon (13 Sep 18)

News is that there's a book coming out, ghostwritten by Steve Bannon for DJT as an ideology & goals statement...tentative title: “Mein Drumpf” (05 Nov 18)

Those non-disclosure agreements written to silence witnesses-to or victims-of criminal acts, should be illegal in future, and deemed null & void looking back -- Suits claiming breach of such contracts have no place in a fair & civil society (23 Nov 18)


2017 Tweets

 Raygun trickle down pee-on-the-poor + Drumpf poopulism force most citizens to wallow in the cesspool under the WashDC political latrine (02 Jan 17)

Will Vladimir “Ras” Putin be puppet master pulling strings to create lifelike motions for Donald “Blockhead” Trump on Oval Office stage? (07 Jan 17)

Profitable Deal-making only a small part of Diplomacy. Also need Tact, Integrity, Flexibility, Knowledge, Judgment, Empathy & Rapport (07 Jan 17)

Ethics?  We don't need no stinking ethics! Repubs in House try to close Office of Congrsl Ethics & in Senate to ram thru unvetted cab/staff (09 Jan 17)

Repub repeal of Affordable Care Act, replaced perhaps by a Deplorable Care Act, will mean profits for a few, suffering & costs for millions (09 Jan 17)

Co-opted MSM uncritically reports that Drumpf untruths aren't really lies if thru willful ignorance or congenital stupidity he believes them (10 Jan 17)

Taking odds now on which skandal takes down Trump admin. Will it be divestigate, obfustigate or profligate? (12 Jan 17)

Drumpf at Wednesday piss conference employs shyster Dillon to whitewash unethical non-divestment of biz holdings w/shady legal obfustication (12 Jan 17)

At Wednesday's long-awaited piss conference, we finally learned that DJT's middle name is Jermafohb – & I thought it was Jabba or Jerkwad (12 Jan 17)

Co-opted MSM uncritically reports that Drumpf untruths aren't really lies if he refuses to accept any countervailing facts saying otherwise (13 Jan 17)

Drumpf doesn't realize he's lying when he spouts off just what is convenient to say that aggrandizes or excuses himself at expense of others (14 Jan 17)

Like GWBush, DJTrump in office w/o popvote win, making him only a Resident (ROTUS). The stench emanating from this rot is already unbearable (15 Jan 17)

Drumpf family, once moved in will repaint WH gold, gold-plate the antiques, decorate w/gold-tone Bling, & have it called the Blight House (17 Jan 17)

Under Drumpf, will the US become a Demockrazy or a constitushunal Republikaka? (19 Jan 17)

I, Donald Jermafohb Drumpf, do bigly swear that I will fatefully prostitute the Artifice of President of these GREAT Divided States, ... and will be amazingly fantastic, with my limited abilities, as I purvey, neglect and offend the constitushun of the United States. (2 -19 Jan 17)

Putin's hand may be up the butt of the short-fingered puppet in White House, as he makes motions & mouths untruths about Russian connections (21 Jan 17)

Can't decide what the fanfare tune should now be called:  Fail to the Cheat, Jail for the Thief, Flail with each Tweet or Wail out our Grief (22 Jan 17)

Used to think Paul Ryan or Ted Cruz were the snottiest Repugs on US political stage, but Stephen Miller clearly takes the Booger Award today (13 Feb 17)

Voting biz person into WH working for you yet? Seems we just added unchecked Greed & Autocracy to usual complaints about pols (18 Feb 17)

Chaos in WH, set to music: The Trumpence Opera.  Enter H.R. “Mac the Knife” McMaster into the seamy world of Drumpf´s Verbrecher und Huren (22 Feb 17)

Be nice if some irreverent jokester in the crowd listening to Presidunce's address tonight to Congress shouts out... “Mock Him Up!” (26 Feb 17)

Think the DJT admin is only a Trumpest in a peepot, or Hell in a tiny-hand basket? Think again, it's a run-up to full-blown Armagoddämmerung (27 Feb 17)

The Voting Dead (aka Deplorables) will get costly (or lack) of coverage after Trumpcare (aka Zombicare) is passed by the Refuclican majority (01 Mar 17)

Healthcare & Education CHOICE and ACCESS? Just profit-makers plucking off low-maint users, leaving the suffering & poor to fend for selves (01 Mar 17)

Allowing military bosses to freely attack means SCROTUS will have someone to blame when things go wrong (the buck stops w/anyone but DJT) (02 Mar 17)

It's the economy, stupid...NOT!  Populists not stirred by Income Inequality, it´s Racism that drives them.(14 Mar 17)

Yes my Precious, Jefferson BeauReGollum Sessions should resign, then retire to that Alabama cave he came from (09 Mar 17)

Which is the real party of the people? - Voting records tell it all (courtesy of http://ln.is/politicsthatwork.com/EuRad)... (18 Mar 17)

Repub dream to run US as a biz only rewards the 1% with tax-cuts & profits stolen by slashing services essential to wage-slave citizens (27 Mar 17)

Seems endless flustercuck in WH shows that DJT's biz skill-set (autocracy) totally unsuited to governing free & vocal citizens (democracy) (28 Mar 17)

Funny how quickly DJT cozies up to dictators: Will he deal with North Korea just by declaring that Kim Jong-un is one great guy? (04 Apr 17)

Codpiece Diplomacy: Missile strike on warned & pre-emptied airbase boosts sagging polls & leads media into dropping Russia collusion story (08 Apr 17)

Can't decide whether trumped-up airbase strike should be considered Wagging the Dog, Codpiece Diplomacy or just Swinging a Dildonald (08 Apr 17)

Pre-neutered airbase strike an example of dog-wagging political stunt, this time using a fake dog (08 Apr 17)

RU old enuf to recall Arnold Stang & think that Treas Sec Steve “MiniChin” looks, sounds and whines just like him, except no humor here? (29 Apr 17)

Time to call immigrant detention centers what they really are: For-profit Concentration Camps (04 May 17)

The Lord of the Swamp is a Double-chinned, Half-brained, Combed-over, Short-fingered, Thin-skinned, Morally-corrupt Tax-cheat & Con-man (14 May 17)

Hey DJT, it IS a witch-hunt, and you're chief warlock surrounded by a coven of GOP demons, all bent on destroying our democracy & economy (19 May 17)

Is DJT's chronic neurosyphilis the reason for him always wearing codpiece-length cravats and giving priapistic names for many of his hotels? (21 May 17)

FBI must follow all the Trump income & debt, starting with nepotistic advisor Jaredy Kushnerov, in hock for $1B incl to many foreign lenders (27 May 17)

I guess "POTUS" now stands for "Pariah of the United States" (03 Jun 17)

No fuzz now on fact that McCain jumped the shark in 08June's hearing with his rambling, confused questioning of Comey. Time to retire! (11 Jun 17)

Have you noticed Drumpf's growing Golfer´s Steatopygia? No doubt caused by his exercitophobia, love of junk food & paranoidal narcissism. (11 Jun 17)

100% ready to testify under oath? Given DJT's loose concept of truth & long history of baldface lies in civil cases: expect more of same. (12 Jun 17)

Toxic wingnuts (Cruz, Paul &c) only oppose senate healthcare bill because it still doesn't throw the poor & elderly far enough under the bus (25 Jun 20)

With bi-partisan debate, took 9 months to pass needed Obamacare. Repubs with no debate, try to quickly foist off passage of lethal Trumpkill (01 Jul 17)

As Drumpf's private attorney in charge of communications re: law/legal issues, wouldn't Ghouly Rudiani more appropriately be called a “clawyer”? (18 Jul 17)

Contrary to US MSM, know that Oppos in Caracas are the tools of big biz, Wall Street, neo-liberal trickle-downers, & the 1% oligarchs (14 Aug 17)

Backed by the GOP (Greedy Oligarch Party) & guided by the Alt-right, the TrumPence administration is “repugnant to everything we hold dear.” (20 Aug 17)

T-2020 rallies held for nothing more than for narcissist-in-chief to bask in trumpanzee cheers & adulation, shoring up his very fragile ego (26 Aug 17)

Emperor Nero fiddled while Rome burned – Presidunce Zero golfed while Houston flooded (28 Aug 17)

DJT in that clown suit and wishing flood victims a “good time” has some saying he's now “presidential.”  More aptly... Bizarro-President (03 Sep 17)

Trumpism: Marginal on Morals, Validated by Vlad, Tight with Treason, Loved by Leakers, Revered by Racists, Great with Graft, Stuck on Stupid (03 Sep 17)

Trumpism: Rooted in Russia, Floored by Facts, Challenged by Cognition, Pathetic at Patriotism, Grasping at Gold, Rabid on Refugees (04 Sep 17)

Trumpism: Terrified by Trans, Fastened on Fakery, Close to Kluxers, Sickened by Science, Honored by Oligarchs, Motivated by Money (06 Sep 17)

So SCROTUS is now “Dotard J. Trump” with alias “The Dotard” – with no points lost if one lapses & uses “Dastard” instead (22 Sep 17)

The Dotard cherry-picks high-end lightly-damaged PR neighborhood to appear magnanimous before selfie-crazies - 15min away la gente suffer (03 Oct 17)

More thoughts & prayers won't help future victims in gun-loving US – ammo needed to combat NRA terrorists is firearm-control legislation (03 Oct 17)

Back from shooting rehab, Rep. Steve Scalise should now crawl back under that slimy virulent anti-LBGTQA pro-gun rock he calls home (05 Oct 17)

Trickledown Democracy: where neo-liberal corporatists direct the law & agenda by buying politicians who con the people with inanities (06 Oct 17)

Sane firearm regs: License, registration & liability policy for each weapon, each to be microstamped, w/test round retained by authorities (07 Oct 17)

Any refused/repaid Weinstein political contribs should be directed to assault victims, not back to W's pockets he'll use to pay his lawyers (16 Oct 17)

Trumpistan: Dystopia of Dumb, Regime of Racists, Kingdom of Kluxers, Empire of Egotism, Nation of Nut-jobs, Federation of Fools (16 Oct 17)

Trumpistan: Bumbledom of Bigots, Satrapy of Sexists, Realm of Repugnants, Dynasty of Despotism, Theater of Thuggery, House of Haters (18 Oct 17)

Trumpistan:  Polity of Prejudice, Council of Corruption, Republic of Repression, Assembly of Asses, Sovereignty of Swampthings (20 Oct 17)

Trumpistan:  Monarchy of Mania, Land of Losers, Reign of Wrongheads, Fiefdom of Fear, Clan of Criminals, Idiocracy of Incompetents (23 Oct 17)

Nikki Haley, being groomed for SecState, panned South Sudan - Perhaps should have visited Trump´s Nambia (nation next door to Pambia?) (05 Nov 17)

Most interesting to see the vote Roy Moore tallies on 12 Dec, and how many Alabomination & Evilgelical supporters are able to ignore his history, to put a sexual predator in office as their voice in senate (14 Nov 17)


2016 Tweets

Trumputzers = people who idolize the Primadonnald Drumpf (12 Feb 16)

Time to call out DJT's blather for what it is -- Drumpferdesheisse (13 Feb 16)

Amazing how so many eagerly gobble up tasty Drumpferdeshiesse & apparently want it served on the White House menu for the next 4 years (06 Mar 16)

Trump now reaping the whirlwind he has sown - Chicago only the beginning (12 Mar16)

Making the country great again sounds fine, until you understand that GREAT stands for: Greed, Racism, Ego, Anger and Tyranny (15 Mar 16)

A next four years of right-wing constitushunal governance or rabid Drumpfism will destroy any remaining semblance to democracy in the US (15 Mar 16)

Wake up America! Only Bernie can beat Donny – backing Hilary is steering off course, insuring a disfunctional future for almost everyone (16 Mar 16)

GOP narrows choices to Don the Tyrantosaurus Dreck or Ted the Teabagging Talibangelical – both portend the end of civil society in the US (16 Mar16)

A little rebellion now and then is a good thing...God forbid that we should ever be twenty years without such a rebellion. - TJefferson (10 Apr 16)

Getting with the newspeak program: Czech Republic, is now Czechia; United States of America is now Murika (16 Apr 16)

DYK that DRUMPF is German for: 'the sound a turd makes dropping into the toilet bowl' – No wonder family changed it's name (16 Apr 16)

US billions in “aid” to Saudisrael is just stocking up on fuel for the fires of WW3 (19 Ap r16)

Hillary's neo-liberal corporatist history...lip-service to the poor and lap-service to the rich (19 Apr 16)

Debunking neoliberalism: "Privatization" = piratization (01 May 16)

Debunking neoliberalism: "Trickle Down Economics" = pee on the poor (01 May 16)

Taxes are the dues we pay to live in a civil society – and tax evasion is tantamount to criminal sociopathy (02 May 16)

Bernie's political career filled with help for the disenfranchised, while Hillary mostly shilled for the highest bidder (31 May 16)

Debunking neoliberalism: “Fiscal Austerity” = forcing the people to empty their pockets to pay huckster financiers (01 Jun 16)

Reprehensible AP&NBC calling nom for HRC before 6 primaries & July convention votes – Maddow should quit – deleting my NBC app in protest (07 Jun 16)

Der Furhair's misogyny is true to type - Drumpf family fortune was generated from Yukon brothels (12 Jun 16)

Gun control now: One year no questions buyback program for semi' & auto' weapons; possession to be criminal offense thereafter (15 Jun 16)

If you profess to be a real Christian (but you support Donald Trump)...guess what, you're NOT! (21 Jun 16)

Debunking neoliberalism: “Deregulation” = businesses avoid paying social & environmental costs, all for immediate profit of investors (22 Jun 16)

Bigoted & unrepentant? Then you're a CINO (Christian In Name Only), so forget being “saved” or “going to Heaven”  (25 Jun 16)

Debunking US neoliberalism: “Free Trade” = corporate imperialism (wage-slavery in the developing-world & loss of jobs at home) (26 Jun 16)

The Republican party needs to be called out, stood in front of the wall of public opinion & shot by MSM firing squad (27 Jun 16)

13 Senate DINOs vote w/Republicans to FastTrack TPP: Sens. Patty Murray & Maria Cantwell, as WA voter you have lost my future support (27 Jun 16)

End US' two party hegemony: Federal Election Commission w/3 Democs & 3 Repubs means independents & 3rd parties have zero representation (04 Sep 16)

End US' two party hegemony: Commission on Presidential Debates, corp 100% owned by Dems & Repubs, locks out all 3rd parties & independents (04 Sep 16)

Have US sync w/most nations, w/01 May Labor Day, then rename 1st Mon in Sep “Education Day” to honor students/teachers (back2school time)? (06 Sep 16)

Sick of courts favoring business claims of lost profit or damaged property over those of the people negatively affected by those businesses (08 Sep 16)

Following MSM?: Treats electorate as audience, Election as reality TV, Votes as ratings.  Eager for the “horror show” profits if Trump wins (20 Sep 16)

Making the country great again sounds fine, until you understand that GREAT is code that stands for: Greed, Racism, Ego, Anger and Tyranny (20 Sep 16)

Perhaps Trump wants son-in-law have clearance to read daily briefs to him, so world won't discover finally that he is functionally illiterate. (15 Oct 16)

Is DJT functionally illiterate, incapable of understanding long sentences >140 chars, & so needs son-in-law to read daily briefs to him? (16 Nov 16)

With every new Trump White House staff appointment, my despair deepens and admiration for protesters mounts. (18 Nov 16)

EUA ahora jodido por Desigualdad Intolerancia Odio Codicia Racismo Xenofobia.  Sal si puedes, subleva si no! (18 Nov 16)

HRC revealing would-be cabinet & WH staff picks before Electoral College votes, forces electors to reconsider consequences of vote for DJT (20 Nov 16)

BHO, before you leave, please... Empty & close Guantanamo; Pardon Snowden & Pelletier; Terminate DAPL; Finish up with EPA rule-making (21 Nov 16)

Trump only picks capos f/cabnt who're obedient-loyal-authoritarian-ruthless since all he knows of governance was learned from mafia buddies (22 Nov 16)

WA-OR-CA on Pacific & NewEng to south on Atlantic need to become #sanctuarycoasts, blue states united to shelter f/capture & deportation (22 Nov 16)

Trump thinks when Prez he'll have prerogatives of a dictator - no laws will apply to him & he'll possess a golden get-out-of-jail-free card (23 Nov 16)

DJ Trump beats PT Barnum as world's greatest con-man: TrumpU = 6000+ greedsters cheated; 2016 election = 60 million+ sheeple fleeced (26Nov16)

200 yrs of US Army tribal suppression, redux – time for UN peacekeepers to protect indigenous nations from aggression & displacement in ND? (27Nov16)

Swamp purportedly being drained, only to be replaced by a cesspool of pirates, hacks & sycophants bent on destroying democracy (30 Nov 16)

Trumpist decisions based on factual evidence will be corrupt, since Drumpf himself lies with abandon & now there's “no such thing as facts” (06 Dec 16)

Not looking fwd to 20Jan, when “Hail to the Chief” for Obama is renamed to “Hail to the Cheat” or will it be “Hail to the Cheeto” for Drumpf  (14 Dec 16)

Noam Chomsky: ‘The Republican Party has become the most dangerous organization in world history"  (14 Dec 16)

Noam Chomsky:  “The Republican party is dedicated to racing as rapidly as possible to the  destruction of organised human life.” (17 Dec 16)

Unpresidented?  Today we see which Repubs are lock-step bigots, and how many are clear-thinking patriots. Last chance to stop drumpfacism!  (19 Dec 16)

Exit stage left, the Obamas, to be remembered as class act.  Enter stage right, the Trumps, almost sure to be an abominably crass act. (22 Dec 16)

No swamp-draining, just reaching down with his tiny hands into the muck & elevating crapublican sludge-dwellers up to cab/staff scum level (23 Dec 16)

So, the commendable dancers who choose not to perform semi-clad in front of the Great Misogynist – can we call them the Mockettes?  (28 Dec 16)

Bring on more snarky humor to fight the thin-skinned would be dictator. Charlie Hebdo: Mockery is a weapon to be aimed at the powerful... (28 Dec 16)

Resolve to: Protect – Defy – Defend – Withstand – Speak Out – Stand Up – Impugn – Accuse – Hold Accountable – Challenge – Dispute – Resist (29 Dec 16)

If Trump continues to disrespect of office of Prez, we surely should not hold back any of our  disrespect for him or his tea-bagging toadies (30 Dec 16)

Righty uptighties & Lefty loosers!  Once inAugerated, Trump's Wingnut admin will tighten down last Screws on Awl freedom, rights & democracy (31 Dec16)



Earlier Tweets

On the trip down valley, it seemed that half the the autumn leaves have succumbed to the two days of winter-like rain (03 Nov 08)

Picked all the Spartans :: Keepers that last 'til April :: Best apple there is! (11 Nov 08)

"A day without caulk on your hands is like a day without sunshine" -- eternal words uttered by Shri Rongley as he spread a bead today (19 Nov 08)

Our health system sucks Big ins premiums go up Millions aren't covered. Now is reform time Profits out of the picture Single payer now (22 Jun 09)

Now is time Barack To act like a Roosevelt. Butt heads & twist arms! :: Bluedogs & repugs Want to can your healthplan. Stand up & fight now! (28 Jun 09)

MJ's songs and moves Just didn't do it for me, But I know your loss. :: I think on Lennon, Another time and sadness. My gen knows your pain. (29 Jun 09)

Hypermilers know Excess use of your brakes means You're just wasting gas (02 Jul 09)

Bipartisanship? / This disease inflicts Barack, / Might be terminal.; On health care mandate / Obama needs to step up. / His centrism sucks (04 Jul 09)

Outside, jasmine scent / And hint of gunpowder too / Must be July 5th (05 Jul 09)

Don't count SP out. / Think how far Wacko Bush got. / Voters like failures! (06 Jul 09)

Twaiku: Make your tweet / With 100 40 chars, / 5 7 5 syls. :: One stanza: easy./ More: not. Abbrevs, digits, help / & so do symbols (06 Jul 09)

Foggy summer night | Air so thick it wets my face | Distant foghorn moans (10 Jul 09)

Healthcare reform will fail without a viable alternative to for-profit insurance ripoffs (17 Aug 09)

Tell Obama that the public option is not optional (18 Aug 09)