Supreme Court might rule soon on 2020 election, Lots of right-wing thuggery in the resumés of the three new Trump-appointed stooges: Null GoreSnatch, Brat Cravenyaw & Ani Croney- BarrEtte. I just can’t imagine how they might opine, can you? (29 Oct 20)
To each his/her own opiate: Agnostic, Atheist, Baha'i, Buddhist, Christian, Confucian, Hindu, Jainist, Jew, Muslim, Shintoist, Sikh, Taoist, Zoroastrian, &c ⎼ mono- or polytheist. Trouble comes with imposition on others via theocratic govt (18 Oct 20)
Looking forward to more progressives adding to the number of Squad members in Congress come 01 January. Maybe a full Platoon this time, and a full Troop the next? May they never give up in the battle for economic and social equality. (18 Oct 20)
SCOTUS already imbalanced at 5:3 (the right a strong majority) & adding ACB tilts even more. Putting 2 more on left would make it 6:5 - how is this "packing?" (11 Oct 20)
With all the Crok coming out of the White House and more sycophants falling ill, is it too soon or insensitive to exclaim “Croaky”? (06 Oct 20)
To friends, you can say anything that enters your mind. Acquaintances have an unreal
image of you, & you must self-edit to fit. You can be with a
person for a few hours & have a friend. Another remains an
acquaintance for thirty years. (28 Sep 20)
Ranks of armed police pushing/provoking
civilian protesters is abhorrent. Those that find employment and
enjoy/follow orders to oppress the people by wielding batons against
fellow citizens are truly execrable thugs (27 Sep 20)
Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter - Martin Luther King, Jr.(26 Sep 20)
If the Nuremberg laws were applied, then every post-war American president would have been hanged. - Noam Chomsky (24 Sep 20)
Outrageous, but it’s true — Trump is the most dangerous figure in human history. The Republican Party today is the most dangerous organization in human history. ⎼ Noam Chomsky, 30 July 2020, interview with Amy Goodman (20 Sep 20)
Now it seems to be OK to be deplored by the actions of disgusting people, and to be disgusted by the actions of deplorable people. True, and not a coincidence that these are accurate judgements from both sides of the dais (19 Sep 20)
Donald Trump is a malignant narcissist whose sadism is front & center. It dominates his life. It is instinctual. Trump is not able to reign it in because it is deeply entrenched in his psyche. (15 Sep 20)
US in an unpresidented state since Obama flew off in Marine One – now in small hands of a flailing Presidunce & the greedy Kleptoclicans who are destroying democracy and furthering fascism (13 Sep 20)
US billions in “aid” (aka: weapons sales) to Saudisrael and now other mid-east potentates is just stocking up on fuel for the fires of WW3 (12 Sep 20) |
The DNC's neo-liberal corporatist history...lip-service to the poor and lap-service to the rich (12 Sep 20) |
The re-election of the TrumPence administration is an Excremental Threat to democracy, the rule of law, world peace and the survival of the human species (10 Sep 20) |
Early every morning I check Twitter to see if 46-1 has died, resigned or been removed, or if a scandal large enough has broken that will cause Senate repugs to renounce him publically (10 Sep 20) |
Better a Democratic socialist than a Republican fascist (09 Sep 20)
Everything ever created by a person who is now dead should be made freely available to all. The gatekeepers to intellectual products made by the dead are parasites… (11 Aug 20)
For me, any one of these. Of the others I'll get behind almost anyone but (shudder) Kamala Harris, a poison pill who will force many to turn their backs on the ticket. (02 Aug 20)
Adam Smith, Dem Rep for WA9 just east of Seattle & HASC Chair claims to be a moderate, touts a few blue progressive views to get re-elected w/o challenge, earns his big-bucks from Mil-IndCom supporting US wars, military expansion & funding (14 Jul 20) |
[@BandyXLee] An important brave voice, hopefully not long silenced. Please visit her time line… (01 Jul 20)
Without Barbara Lee named for VP, many progressives would be hard pressed to support the ticket (19 Jun 20)
The older I get, the further left my politics seems to become. I am hoping that's because the saying “Aetate et sapientia est” is true... With age comes wisdom. (10 Jun 20)
Worth endless repetition... state called-for Sanctions are just another word for Economic Warfare (09 Jan 20)
Salus populi suprema lex... The welfare of the people is the ultimate law. (09 Jun 20) |
Not Antifa, but for sure anti Profa (07 Jun 20)
Behind the new 8' wall around the White House, can we next expect to see the Corps of Engineers constructing a moat, the Seabees pumping it full from the Tidal Basin, and the Park Service stocking it with alligators? (04 Jun 20)
Not a BernieBro, I'm just someone who would like the opportunity to vote for the Greater Good for once, not the centrist Lesser Evil, like the corporatist Democlicans (or is it Republicrats) are foisting on us this time around AGAIN. (16 May 20)
In 2008, the campaign was about Hope & Change. Seems like 2020 is about Grope & Cringe. (14 May 20)
If the USA had a functioning democracy, Bernie Sanders would be gearing up to serve his second term as President (01 May 20)
Barack Obama Was Never the Man We Thought He Was by Beatrice Phi/link to (27 Apr 20)
Joe Biden Just Made Everyone on the Left Look Like Hypocrites by Beatrice Phi/link to (24 Apr 20)
Let me get this straight... With DNCentrists/Corporatists and their MSM minions now successful at burying Bernie, it means now I have to choose the lesser evil AGAIN. So it's between Lying Creepy Demento Joe or Lying Cockamamy Psycho Don ? (16 Apr 20)
[reply to @MarylKDetroit, Mar 12] It's just that Biden has performed so erratically in the debates & on the stump, & with Trump's attacking him for the clear mental decline & so many lies over his past positions, we fear Joe will crumple. Only Bernie shows consistent integrity & ability to fight for his beliefs (13 Mar 20)
A godsend for white supremacist eugenicists, Covid-19 will predominantly cull out the poor, weak & sick. With them gone, long-term social services expenditures can be cut – a dream come true for Repugs & Libertarians (12 Mar 20)
Neoliberal DNCentrists operating to choose a mentally deteriorating Biden over crusty fighter Sanders will result in a Trump re-election, as Dementia Joe is overwhelmed by Psycho Don in November (12 Mar 20)
Joe Biden has shown himself to be fundamentally weak, unreliable, and dishonest. (10 Mar 20) |
Amy, Pete & Beto showed their true “progressive” colors with those endorsements, revealing that they were always corporatist hacks. A vote for Dementia Joe Biden in the primaries is a gift to the Repugniclans in November. Only Bernie can beat Trump! (04 Mar 20)
Beware the wordsalad grift, funded by corporatist billionaires, being worked on voters by policy-bare what-me-worry Mayor Pete BeautyGlib, whose only attributes are a pretty white face and a gift for gab (09 Feb 20)
Seems a vote for Warren in Iowa is actually a vote for Biden (02 Feb 20)
DNCentrists show their colors... anything to stop Bernie and the progressive blue tsunami (01 Feb 20)
Good government begins at home. I support Jason Call, WA Cong District 2 (19 Jan 20)
November is when we end the terrorist toiletarian regime in Washington (11 Jan 20) |
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