Our RANTSOME DEMANDS are transformative changes in US society to bring about: • Reanimation of participatory democracy • Universal access to education, healthcare & economic opportunities • Curbs to the abuse of individual, group and corporate power over others • Ecological integrity and sustainability • Legal and economic justice reaching all levels of society • Tolerance and equality • Diplomacy with a goal of a world community that rewards nonviolence and peace
Ed Stein 14 Dec 2004
--Variations on Rumsfeldian didactics. Having instructed the troops, these other admonitions will keep the rest of the good buSheep in line.

Redux: "After the last tree is felled, Christ will come back."
Perhaps the biggest obstacle to converting evangelicals to the environmental cause is cultural. Convincing pro-life evangelicals to join forces with secular and left-leaning environmentalist groups will require overcoming a deep-rooted prejudice that associates environmentalism with paganism, pantheism and the Counterculture and New Left revolts of the 1960s – all Godzilla-sized bogeymen in the evangelical worldview. --Alexander Zaitchik, in AlterNet: Election 2004: Did Jesus Wear Birkenstocks?
Rantsome Notes
About this blog: In this busy world, some lack the time or dedication to read, absorb and ponder lengthy discourse, to say nothing of the time to reflect, cogitate, create and expostulate at length. Opinions today are formed and swayed by sound-bites and succinct slogans (aka zingers, comebacks, punch-lines, snappy rejoinders, bumper-stickers, ripostes, taglines, one-liners, puns, sayings...)So, from curbed keyboard, in few words, herewith we intend that you'll find quotes, headlines, bad haiku, wordplay and the like (with occasional images or graphics) which are--
brief & bitchy: retorts, thumbs down, roasts, back-chat, rebuttals, refutations, sneers, protests, catcalls, tirades, innuendos, digs, pejoratives, cuts, raspberries, censures, rebukes, reproofs, brickbats, pans, lambastings... -
short & sweet: raves, thumbs up, salutes, paeans, kudos, blessings, cheers, accolades, citations, laudations, credits, claps on the back, praises, compliments, tributes, approvals, exaltations, glorifications, admirations, eulogies, awards, hats off, ovations, plaudits, good words, appreciations, bouquets, homages, venerations, toasts...
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