
Rantsome Notes

About this blog: In this busy world, some lack the time or dedication to read, absorb and ponder lengthy discourse, to say nothing of the time to reflect, cogitate, create and expostulate at length. Opinions today are formed and swayed by sound-bites and succinct slogans (aka zingers, comebacks, punch-lines, snappy rejoinders, bumper-stickers, ripostes, taglines, one-liners, puns, sayings...)

So, from curbed keyboard, in few words, herewith we intend that you'll find quotes, headlines, bad haiku, wordplay and the like (with occasional images or graphics) which are--

  • brief & bitchy: retorts, thumbs down, roasts, back-chat, rebuttals, refutations, sneers, protests, catcalls, tirades, innuendos, digs, pejoratives, cuts, raspberries, censures, rebukes, reproofs, brickbats, pans, lambastings...

  • short & sweet: raves, thumbs up, salutes, paeans, kudos, blessings, cheers, accolades, citations, laudations, credits, claps on the back, praises, compliments, tributes, approvals, exaltations, glorifications, admirations, eulogies, awards, hats off, ovations, plaudits, good words, appreciations, bouquets, homages, venerations, toasts...

...As we learn more about this process, we'll add some links and other good stuff. Comments to posts are appreciated (you must be registered at www.blogger.com to participate/comment). If you'd like to be a Contributor to this Group Blog, contact one of the Administrators by leaving a Comment to this post.

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