
We *will* fight the Radical Right!

I swing from spitting mad to tears of grief every day I hear what & how the Radical Right is trying to destroy this great country.

The ideals that the USA is founded upon, & for which so many brave & idealistic people have fought & died throughout our history (& which are the reasons that I'm proud to be an American) are under the most vicious attacks ever faced! And these attacks are *not* from some external bogeyman who looks different, prays to God by another name, nor speaks a different language. These attacks, coming fast & heavy, on nearly a daily basis, are coming from an organized internal group of people who, themselves count on & use the freedoms they are trying to destroy, (for everyone except themselves???).

This greedy, hateful & dare I say, stupid cohort calls itself the "Moral Majority". Well, they are anything but!!! They are the Radical Right.

They are actively taking away your freedom to think & speak & work & pray & play as you wish. (Read the Patriot Act...then read about how the German Nazis locked down their country in the 1930s! Truly a terrifying resemblance!!! Threatening judges...behave or we'll get you. A national citizenship ID card...'Papers, please.' Secret lists for airport security...they won't tell you that you're on it or why, but if you are, you can't fly without severe harrassment.)

DO NOT GIVE AN INCH! Yell & scream & march in the streets! Read! (Turn off your TV.) Talk! Question what you see & hear, (ask 'but what about...?') Call your Senators & House Representatives today & tomorrow & the day after & the day after that! Don't let these megalomaniacs steal your freedoms in the name of 'security' & 'being a good Christian'. Security is based on knowledge, diligence & trust, not fear, hate & secrecy. A true Christian extends love & care beyond self, *especially* toward those that are different, (re-read the Bible story of the Good Samaritan). S/he does not turn others into enemies & non-people so those others can be more easily hated & killed (e.g. 'insurgents' turns humans in to nightmare monsters). A true Christian is generous, sharing even when s/he has very little, rather than saying 'I have mine. I want more. You, poor, go struggle & starve where I can't see.' (Check out the recently passed 'bankruptcy bill', any of the 'free trade' agreements.)

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