
Goodbye Ronnie Raygun (one year posthumous) - Haiku

 2004 June 05

Dead at ninety-three--

Finally joins old Bonzo,

His prime role co-star.

Wingnut media

Hypes and deifies this guy

--Give me a break!

Simple-minded puppet

Time to tell it like it was

Know the real Ray-Gun:


Platitudes and shallow thoughts

Never spoke to me.

Busted down a wall?

But who really called that tune?

Gorby was the man.

Trickle down econ?

AKA: "Pee on the poor"

Tax cuts for the rich...

Stolen from programs

That sheltered the downtrodden

...what a heart he had!

Equal rights for all?

You could ask Desmond Tutu--

No friend to non-whites.

Views on ecology?

He said "If you've seen one tree.

you have seen them all."

"Catsup is a vegetable"

Perhaps his poor food habits

Led to dementia

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