
Letter to my Senators re: John Roberts nomination

I was upset to see Senators Leahy, Feingold & Kohl vote in favor of John Roberts in the Senate Judiciary Committee review. I watched the committee's hearings, and found Roberts answers and evasions glib, and bordering on "snotty." There is no denying the nominee is intelligent, cordial and verbal, but his protestations of having no agenda ring hollow. There is also no denying that an attorney speaks for and represents the views of his client (Roberts' excuse for some of the writings attributed to him), but the comments in truth betray his allegiance to regressive and undemocratic forces that erode a citizen's standing in this country in favor of corporate interests. The fact the Roberts volunteered his services to the Republican party in Bush vs Gore 2000 is a blatent signal of Roberts' personal views about how he values our plebian voting rights (and how the voice of the people should be silenced when opposing those views).

Considering that the Republican majority will in itself be sufficient to ensure a confirmation, I can see no reason why a Democrat of any persuasion would want to vote affirmatively. To do so would run the risk of alienating supporters (like me) who want to see a consistent, firm, principled, stand against the travesty, greed, and total lack of democracy with which the Bush administration operates.

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