
"Despite my concerns, I voted to confirm Dr. Rice because I generally believe a president should have a Cabinet of his choosing. I take my responsibility to provide 'advice and consent' seriously and consider each nominee individually. I also believe it's important that when America's Secretary of State meets with world leaders, that person has the authority that comes from support at home." ---U.S. Senator Patty Murray - Statement on the Confirmation of Condoleezza Rice

Based on this thinking, a president could choose any reprehensible and otherwise unsuitable person to serve in the Cabinet, and the Senator would support the selection. Sen. Murray was elected by liberal Democrats to stand up for our interests in Washington DC. Her inability to take a stand here smacks of appeasement to me, and the only way I can extend any forgiveness to the Senator is my slim hope that this gives Bush enough rope to facilitate his hanging himself.

Ms. Rice's ability to gain respect and credibility before other nations' leaders will not be earned by garnering oppositional Senators' votes. Her inept and deceptive record as National Security Advisor has already damaged her severely. With what authority can she speak when she is seen as Bush's shill? Better that more Senators opposed this action, to demonstrate to the world that not all of the people in the US are afflicted with "mad cowboy disease."

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