
"Twenty-First (-Century) Psalm: A fool is my shepherd, I shall not think. He maketh me to bog down in a quagmire. He leadeth me beside dirty waters. He destroyeth my ozone. He leadeth me down paths to the extreme right, for his lobbyists' sake.

"Yea, though I walk through relatively safe streets, I do fear evil (the threat level is orange), for thou hast scared me. My assault rifle comforteth me. Thou anointest my car with oil. My deficit runneth over. Thous preparest my table with fast food in the presence of my television.

"Surely paranoia and resentment will follow me all the days of my life. And I will dwell in the Empire of Fools till I die, uninsured." --Lawrence Swan, 27 December 2004 Letter to The Nation

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