
Honk if you love just desserts. Fascist senator Tom Delay into the dock (that is to say, his shill lawyer) Friday 21 October. First off? A LIE! What else would you expect? LegalEagle wants the judge off the case, calls him a Democrat who's contributed to MoveOn.org. "Did you know, Mister Judge, that MoveOn.org is peddling T-shirts with the (now notorious & smiling) mug-shot of my client, Tom?" No, he didn't know that & hadn't seen one. It would have been a riot if he had, yet IMPOSSIBLE since the fabulous Al Franken later reported that a call to MoveOn revealed the charge to be a TYPICAL LIE of the Fascist senator! Of course! However, even though such a marvelous T-shirt motto had not previously been created, now that Mr. DeLay's esteemed shill-of-a-lawyer had mentioned it, what an excellent idea! Perhaps we'll soon be able to wear some so's the teevee press can pick up on it! Talk about SPIN...and the Reps do at every opportunity, inasmuch as they are past masters at that Dark Art! My current motto: "Yeah! Go! Kick 'em whilst they're down! Love it!


In 5 years in office, Bush has never vetoed a spending bill. While it's true that he pretty much gets the bills he wants from a Republican Congress, there's a more ominous reason. The greater the nation's debt, the less government money there is for the poor, the sick, the infirm, the jobless, the uninsured. The greater the nation's debt, the less government money there is for the control of corporations, government oversight, our voting system, social security, our health system, the environment, the nation's parklands, funded mandates. With 3 more years to go, there is little on the horizon to suggest that Bush's ultimate goal to take the US back to the pre-depression days of a bi-polar nation of the rich and the poor is not working. By the time Bush leaves office, the nation's deficit will be so large and the transfer of wealth, resources, and technological controls into the hands of the wealthy and the corporations will be so complete that recovery may prove unlikely. Jerry Politex, 09 Oct 2005


President George W Bush has said he was instructed by God to invade Iraq and Afghanistan, a BBC series claims.

The remark dates from the first meeting between Mr Bush, the Palestinian prime minister Mahmoud Abbas and his then foreign minister, Nabil Shaath, in June 2003.

The Palestinians say Mr Bush also revealed to them that he had been told by God to create a Palestinian state. Mr Shaath, now the information minister, describes the meeting with Mr Bush in the BBC2 programme, Elusive peace: Israel and the Arabs.

He says: "President Bush said to all of us, 'I'm driven with a mission from God. God would tell me: George, go and fight those terrorists in Afghanistan.

'And I did, and then God would tell me, George, go and end the tyranny in Iraq…and I did.

'And now, again, I feel God's words coming to me - go get the Palestinians their state and get the Israelis their security, and get peace in the Middle East. And by God I'm gonna do it'."
Daily Telegraph

When every other excuse fails, George blames God. How could the public fault him for the mess if he got his marching orders from above? If this is the kind of advice one gets from on high, perhaps we should seriously question this deity thing?

Of course, with his alcohol-pickled brain and cocaine-damaged synapses, he may have been actually listening to Satan, who presumedly would revel in an unending religious war between cultures. Nothing like a befuddled zealot to do the devil's work and then claim it's all "in the name of God."



I was cleaning up my desk today and discovered two quotes I hastily scribbled down sometime in the past when I was listening to Randi Rhodes on her Air America radio show. I'm happy to share them, and urge you to tune in for more. Commenting about life in Bush's America...

"Faith can move mountains, or elect an idiot."

"Upward mobility means aspiring to own a mobile home."