
In 5 years in office, Bush has never vetoed a spending bill. While it's true that he pretty much gets the bills he wants from a Republican Congress, there's a more ominous reason. The greater the nation's debt, the less government money there is for the poor, the sick, the infirm, the jobless, the uninsured. The greater the nation's debt, the less government money there is for the control of corporations, government oversight, our voting system, social security, our health system, the environment, the nation's parklands, funded mandates. With 3 more years to go, there is little on the horizon to suggest that Bush's ultimate goal to take the US back to the pre-depression days of a bi-polar nation of the rich and the poor is not working. By the time Bush leaves office, the nation's deficit will be so large and the transfer of wealth, resources, and technological controls into the hands of the wealthy and the corporations will be so complete that recovery may prove unlikely. Jerry Politex, 09 Oct 2005

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