
Honk if you love just desserts. Fascist senator Tom Delay into the dock (that is to say, his shill lawyer) Friday 21 October. First off? A LIE! What else would you expect? LegalEagle wants the judge off the case, calls him a Democrat who's contributed to MoveOn.org. "Did you know, Mister Judge, that MoveOn.org is peddling T-shirts with the (now notorious & smiling) mug-shot of my client, Tom?" No, he didn't know that & hadn't seen one. It would have been a riot if he had, yet IMPOSSIBLE since the fabulous Al Franken later reported that a call to MoveOn revealed the charge to be a TYPICAL LIE of the Fascist senator! Of course! However, even though such a marvelous T-shirt motto had not previously been created, now that Mr. DeLay's esteemed shill-of-a-lawyer had mentioned it, what an excellent idea! Perhaps we'll soon be able to wear some so's the teevee press can pick up on it! Talk about SPIN...and the Reps do at every opportunity, inasmuch as they are past masters at that Dark Art! My current motto: "Yeah! Go! Kick 'em whilst they're down! Love it!

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