
Mt Vernon "Glenn Beck Day" signs

A representative sampling of protest signs carried on 26 September 2009 in Mt Vernon, WA, as Mayor Norris awards key to city to Glenn Beck --

Check hoods at door - Meeting Starts 6:30
Deadbolt your doors!
Change the locks!!
Hate speech is not free
How Embarassing (pix of GB & Bud Norris)
Hate, Not in our town
We are the Key - Norris does not speak for me
Glenn Beck Hate Monger
Glenn Beck fans aren't all racist but all Racists are Glenn Beck Fans
Beck is a Fascist
Be Kind
Truth is a Mt Vernon Virtue
Thanks Beck 4 Fighting 4 Us
Bud's Key does NOT open my house!
Obama = Truth, Beck = Lies
I (heart) Keith Olberman
Beck Idiot
Fear Breeds Hate!
Beck Go Away
Buck Feck
Beck is a Pharisee & Hypocrite
Thank you for the new great awakening
Whatever Happened to Rational Discourse?
Glenn Beck is a bigger crybaby than me! (carried by a child)
Hate Radio (strike-thru circle)
Sasquatch, BoogieMen, who should we fear Glenn?
Republicans: The Pro-Death Party!!
Our Government is: By the People, For the People NOT by the Politician, For the Politician, Recycle ALL Politicians to a real job. Glenn shows us the truth
No Norris
No bigotry
God Bless America
I drove up from Oregon to say -- I've got not respect for Beck (or Bud Norris, for that matter!)
Republicans Have you No Shame?
Odio no es un valor de Mount Vernon
Glen Beck speaks truth!
Skagit Valley loves Glen Beck
Why Beck? Palin was busy
Glenn Beck gets Teabagged for Uncle Sam
Go Back to your "Fox"hole Beck
Glenn Beck is Racist
Beck, this Bud is 4 u
Recall Norris
Perverts the Truth - Glenn Beck Hate Monger
Hatred is not a Mt Vernon Value
We Love you Glenn!!!
Thank you Glenn for the Truth
Glenn Beck Deserves the Key
We Appreciate All You're Doing
Know Your Rights so you can Know what they've Taken
Peace - Love - Freedom
Glenn Beck = McCarthyism
Where's is Your Birth Certificate Glenn?
Don't Tread on Me (yellow flag)
Mayor Norris: Show us Beck's birth certificate!!!
No Beck Haters wanted in Skagit Valley
Norris and Beck, Sitting in a Tree...(hearts)
Rectums come in all colors
Bad Move Bud
Glenn Beck D-Bag Get off my TV
I support the Prsident - Do You?
Reality: The Cure for Foxoholism
Obama Born in the USA
Dishonest Obtuse Unstable C??? Hateful Extremist Blowhard Arrogant Gullible DOUCHEBAG
Every Rise of Fascism is a Sign of a Failed Revolution
My President in NOT a Racist
Americans Stand Up Speak Boldly Defend our Constitution Save our Country
Mean People Suck
You Will be Held Accountable
I have a deep-seated hatred of white people
God, Guns & Glenn is Party Time
Because every Village needs an Idiot (pic of GB) Here's One for Mount Vernon
No Norris
Glenn Beck Cancer on America
What the Fox?
Throw Beck into the pot of boiling water
Ignorance is the enemy
Seattle Tips our hats to: Mt Vernon Resistors
Mad Hater - Brewing Lies Brewing Fear, not Thinking Clear
Beck Go Away
Truth is not Hate, Hate is not Truth
What part of the Truth does the Left not Understand?
It's not Hate, It's Truth
Why honor someone who dishonors us?
FauxNews is a Terrorist Organization
Liar, Liar, Pants of Fire
It's the Duty of the Patriot to Protect his Country from the Government -
Mayor Norris for Congress - Beck was right about ACORN
Glenn Beck is a National Hero
Bud out!
Reject Hate and G Beck
Lies Hate Fear - Glenn Beck
We the People Support Glenn Beck
Buck Glenn Feck
Glenn Beck -W hat the Heck?!?
Hate Hurts America
Glenn Beck Smokes Asscrack
Save the Mining Law of 1872
Single Payer Now Cover Everyone for Everything
You Scare the Villagers Elsewhere, Not in this town
Change the City Council
I'd rather give the key to: Paris Hilton, Yoko Ono or JarJar Binks
Glenn B has health care ...Do you?
Gays 4 Glenn
Honor the 10th Amendment
Beck is Drek
Obama-World Leader, Beck-Fearmonger, Mayor Norris-Just Wrong
Yeah to Mayor Bud
Glenn Beck Rocks
Finally, Mt Vernon has a guy who says what the people who aren't thinking are thinking
Becks's Values are NOT Mount Vernon's Values
Hey Bud How's Glenn's Ass taste?
And if Hitler had been born here?
Civil Debate Not Hate
Racism not in my country!
Hate is not a Mormon value
Faux News tosses Glenn's Salad
Glen Beck is MV's dirty little secret
No Rage No Fear No Beck
Ignorance is Beck
Hate Radio Makes Bad News
Taxed Enough Already?
Be Very Afraid!
Love is a Skagit Value
Be Kind - Green Party of Skagit County
Paranoia Big Destroyer
Glenn Beck Truth, Justice & the American Way
Glenn + Truth = America
More Beck Less Gov't
Beck gives us Hope
Under God Indivisible
Glenn Beck for Preident
Get the Facts Watch Glen Beck
Glen Beck's Hateful Speech & Lies are not Family Values
Glenn Beck speaks truth
Behold! Arguing with Idiots the Live Version!
Resist Socialism Glenn is Good
Promote Free Enterprise Stop Socialism
Fox News is Fixed News
Glenn They're Upset because you helped expose their child prostitution ring
If Beck Gets the Key I'll Kill Myself
Why Honor Rude Crude Beck??
Glenn Beck is a dangerous anti-goverment extremist
Lifetime Democrat No More
Illegals Feed You
I Believe in our Democracy - I believe in Hope, Change, Tolerance, President Obama and Positive Power to a make a difference together
This Buds' not for Me
No Hate
USA Undivided by Fox
We want our key back
Un-Elect Norris
Stop Racism Fuk Bek
Frogs Fight Back against Hate "Beck boiled my mother on TV"
Glenn Beck: Your breath wouldn't stink if you quit talking out of your ass!
Honor Truth & Peace - Shun Fear and Hate
Hate Hurts Everyone
No Key!
Reasoned Discourse = Adult Politics, $houted Rage = Entertainment
Mount Vernon is not Glennbeckistan and we are not Beck-tards.
Congratulations Glenn, Ima let you finish, but Rachel Maddow has the best show of all time.
Glenn Beck, Media Terrorist: Take your anti-American hatred, venom and toxic waste back to Fox Noise Channel!
Don't Be Fooled by Beck
Beck Sells Fear
Beck for Hate Czar
Calling a Communist a Communist is not Hate Speech
Friends don't let Friends Teaparty
Mt Vernon, Wash: rewarding village idiots since 2009
Hey Norris, We Vote! Goodbye[x]
Billionaires for Wealthcare
Fox News Foreign-owned Hate-o-tainment Lies, fear, racism dividing America
Fearmogering crybaby Beck
Hatred not our Beckon Call
Shame Bud Norris
Attention LeftWing You're right, hate isn't a Skagit value so stop your hate-mongering
Beckspeak = Bullshit
Beckism, the new McCarthyism
Hugs Not Hate
Beck pits Americans against each other for $$$
Why does Glenn Beck hate Americans?
Glenn You're a True Patroit
Change and Hope 2010
Glenn Beck (pic of GB crying) The smartest conservative in the world
Local Boy Goes Bad
Teabagging is for lovers
Sure he's an Idiot Bigot, But he's Our Idiot Bigot, Welcome Glenn!
Your Unpatriotic Fearmonger talk is not welcome
Glenn Beck: Profiteer of fear, anger, hate, ignorance
If crazy was a pre-existing condtion, no republican would have health care

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