
Rep(rehensible) "Joe" Wilson

Wilson's webpage is swamped & offline, but you can go to the "Write Your Representative" link at www.house.gov and input SC and zipcode 29212 to send him a message. I wrote this today:

I was absolutely appalled by your disrespectful behavior during President Obama's speech last night. During the past eight years of contention during the term of the previous president, (acknowledged by many as the worst president in our history), I can recall no Bush speech garnering anywhere near the level of verbal grumbling and undertone let loose last night by the Republican side of the aisle. Your exclamation took the cake -- my 91-year old mother's reaction was that you should be forced to resign your seat. The apology you attempted to deliver last night is not enough, and I would hope that saner voices in your party will act to censure you, stripping you of committee assignments and privileges you obviously don't deserve. You will NEVER live this down and everything you hope to accomplish in the House will be colored by this hateful incident. If you don't resign, I pray that voters in your district wake up to the fact the your title of "Rep." now stands for "reprehensible" and that replacing you is very necessary if they expect to have a voice that will be listened to in Washington.

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