
Representative Democracy?!?

Yesterday's dismissal for concerns of electoral 'irregularities' raised by Sen. Boxer & Ohio's own Senator was yet another nail in the coffin of democracy. Thank God at least those two brave women stood to voice the issue, but IT'S NOT ENOUGH! Without faith in the validity of votes, there is no democracy left...

True Americans already fought against one King George. Looks like we may have to again to get the point across!

"We are determined to foment a rebellion, and will not hold ourselves bound by any laws in which we have no voice or representation."
-- Abigail Adams, 31 March, 1776


Adanlante said...

Welcome aboard, kid!

Adanlante said...

What distresses me most is that, given that raising these concerns about the Ohio vote never had any chance of upsetting Bush's win (because the Republicans had the votes to win), that no other senators from the left side of the aisle took the opportunity to add their names in support of Sen. Boxer's reasoned complaint about Ohio's election-day tallies. Like many of us, I emailed my state's senators to support this procedural "event", but not one other senator had the guts to support the challenge, which was defeated in the senate 74-1.

For the senate at least, it looks like the "democratic wing of the Democratic Party" has only one member. The others (the Demokrats?) seem to be incoherently playing both sides of the game. But isn't that what cost us the election -- not standing up for any discernibly different positions? What is it about that clubhouse they call the senate that makes those elected to it forget the people who worked to put them there?

Adanlante said...
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Adanlante said...

I don't usually agree with bloggers from the right, but this guy has probably nailed it...

"What happened yesterday in Congress? A bunch of left-wing asshats protested the election results. Kerry, understandably, would not want to be there for that, especially knowing the way Michael Moore portrayed Al Gore as a gutless twat in Fahrenheit 9/11. On the other hand, if Kerry stayed home in Massachusetts he’d be painted as a coward and as petty. So, where is the one place he could go, and the one thing he could do, which nobody could criticize him for? He went to Iraq to visit the troops. It gets him out of Congress during the certification fiasco, and his political opponents can’t portray him in a negative light for doing so. Sheer brilliance." --Lee at Right-Thinking from the Left CoastIf I were to have written this, the only change would have been the word "patriots" for the invective "asshats".

(Thanks to Lee, for reminding me of the quote from Julia Roberts: "Republican comes in the dictionary just after reptile and just above repugnant.")