Our RANTSOME DEMANDS are transformative changes in US society to bring about: • Reanimation of participatory democracy • Universal access to education, healthcare & economic opportunities • Curbs to the abuse of individual, group and corporate power over others • Ecological integrity and sustainability • Legal and economic justice reaching all levels of society • Tolerance and equality • Diplomacy with a goal of a world community that rewards nonviolence and peace
The remark dates from the first meeting between Mr Bush, the Palestinian prime minister Mahmoud Abbas and his then foreign minister, Nabil Shaath, in June 2003.
The Palestinians say Mr Bush also revealed to them that he had been told by God to create a Palestinian state. Mr Shaath, now the information minister, describes the meeting with Mr Bush in the BBC2 programme, Elusive peace: Israel and the Arabs.
He says: "President Bush said to all of us, 'I'm driven with a mission from God. God would tell me: George, go and fight those terrorists in Afghanistan.
'And I did, and then God would tell me, George, go and end the tyranny in Iraq…and I did.
'And now, again, I feel God's words coming to me - go get the Palestinians their state and get the Israelis their security, and get peace in the Middle East. And by God I'm gonna do it'."
Daily Telegraph
When every other excuse fails, George blames God. How could the public fault him for the mess if he got his marching orders from above? If this is the kind of advice one gets from on high, perhaps we should seriously question this deity thing?
Of course, with his alcohol-pickled brain and cocaine-damaged synapses, he may have been actually listening to Satan, who presumedly would revel in an unending religious war between cultures. Nothing like a befuddled zealot to do the devil's work and then claim it's all "in the name of God."
"Faith can move mountains, or elect an idiot."
"Upward mobility means aspiring to own a mobile home."
The Madness of King George
Aug 25, 2005, 06:19
While President George W. Bush travels around the country in a last-ditch effort to sell his Iraq war, White House aides scramble frantically behind the scenes to hide the dark mood of an increasingly angry leader who unleashes obscenity-filled outbursts at anyone who dares disagree with him.
"I'm not meeting again with that goddamned bitch," Bush screamed at aides who suggested he meet again with Cindy Sheehan, the war-protesting mother whose son died in Iraq. "She can go to hell as far as I'm concerned!"
Bush, administration aides confide, frequently explodes into tirades over those who protest the war, calling them "motherfucking traitors." He reportedly was so upset over Veterans of Foreign Wars members who wore "bullshit protectors" over their ears during his speech to their annual convention that he told aides to "tell those VFW assholes that I'll never speak to them again is they can't keep their members under control."
White House insiders say Bush is growing increasingly bitter over mounting opposition to his war in Iraq. Polls show a vast majority of Americans now believe the war was a mistake and most doubt the President's honesty.
"Who gives a flying fuck what the polls say," he screamed at a recent strategy meeting. "I'm the President and I'll do whatever I goddamned please. They don't know shit."
Bush, whiles setting up for a photo op for signing the recent CAFTA bill, flipped an extended middle finger to reporters. Aides say the President often "flips the bird" to show his displeasure and tells aides who disagree with him to "go to hell" or to "go fuck yourself." His habit of giving people the finger goes back to his days as Texas governor, aides admit, and videos of him doing so before press conferences were widely circulated among TV stations during those days. A recent video showing him shooting the finger to reporters while walking also recently surfaced.
Bush's behavior, according to prominent Washington psychiatrist, Dr. Justin Frank, author of "Bush on the Couch: Inside the Mind of the President," is all too typical of an alcohol-abusing bully who is ruled by fear.
To see that fear emerges, Dr. Frank says, all one has to do is confront the President. "To actually directly confront him in a clear way, to bring him out, so you would really see the bully, and you would also see the fear," he says.
Dr. Frank, in his book, speculates that Bush, an alcoholic who brags that he gave up booze without help from groups like Alcoholics Anonymous, may be drinking again.
"Two questions that the press seems particularly determined to ignore have hung silently in the air since before Bush took office," Dr. Frank says. "Is he still drinking? And if not, is he impaired by all the years he did spend drinking? Both questions need to be addressed in any serious assessment of his psychological state."
Last year, Capitol Hill Blue learned the White House physician prescribed anti-depressant drugs for the President to control what aides called "violent mood swings." As Dr. Frank also notes: "In writing about Bush's halting appearance in a press conference just before the start of the Iraq War, Washington Post media critic Tom Shales speculated that 'the president may have been ever so slightly medicated.'"
Dr. Frank explains Bush's behavior as all-to-typical of an alcoholic who is still in denial: "The pattern of blame and denial, which recovering alcoholics work so hard to break, seems to be ingrained in the alcoholic personality; it's rarely limited to his or her drinking," he says. "The habit of placing blame and denying responsibility is so prevalent in George W. Bush's personal history that it is apparently triggered by even the mildest threat."
Thanks to Dave Ward, original from Capitol Hill Blue
No Place for a Poet...
First Lady
The White House
Dear Mrs. Bush,
I am writing to let you know why I am not able to accept your kind invitation to give a presentation at the National Book Festival on September 24, or to attend your dinner at the Library of Congress or the breakfast at the White House.
I tried to see my way clear to attend the festival in order to bear witness--as an American who loves her country and its principles and its writing--against this undeclared and devastating war.
But I could not face the idea of breaking bread with you. I knew that if I sat down to eat with you, it would feel to me as if I were condoning what I see to be the wild, highhanded actions of the Bush Administration.
What kept coming to the fore of my mind was that I would be taking food from the hand of the First Lady who represents the Administration that unleashed this war and that wills its continuation, even to the extent of permitting "extraordinary rendition": flying people to other countries where they will be tortured for us.
So many Americans who had felt pride in our country now feel anguish and shame, for the current regime of blood, wounds and fire. I thought of the clean linens at your table, the shining knives and the flames of the candles, and I could not stomach it.
Olds is winner of a National Book Critics Circle Award and professor of creative writing at New York University. Full text of letter at http://www.thenation.com/doc/20051010/olds
Letter to my Senators re: John Roberts nomination
Considering that the Republican majority will in itself be sufficient to ensure a confirmation, I can see no reason why a Democrat of any persuasion would want to vote affirmatively. To do so would run the risk of alienating supporters (like me) who want to see a consistent, firm, principled, stand against the travesty, greed, and total lack of democracy with which the Bush administration operates.
Take a Hint
"Mr. President, this job can't be fun for you any more. There's no more money to spend--you used up all of that. You can't start another war because you used up the army. And now, darn the luck, the rest of your term has become the Bush family nightmare: helping poor people. Listen to your Mom. The cupboard's bare, the credit cards maxed out. No one's speaking to you. Mission accomplished.
"Now it's time to do what you've always done best: lose interest and walk away. Like you did with your military service and the oil company and the baseball team. It's time. Time to move on and try the next fantasy job. How about cowboy or space man? Now I know what you're saying: there's so many other things that you as President could involve yourself in. Please don't. I know, I know. There's a lot left to do. There's a war with Venezuela. Eliminating the sales tax on yachts. Turning the space program over to the church. And Social Security to Fannie Mae. Giving embryos the vote.
"But, Sir, none of that is going to happen now. Why? Because you govern like Billy Joel drives. You've performed so poorly I'm surprised that you haven't given yourself a medal. You're a catastrophe that walks like a man. Herbert Hoover was a shitty president, but even he never conceded an entire city to rising water and snakes.
"On your watch, we've lost almost all of our allies, the surplus, four airliners, two trade centers, a piece of the Pentagon and the City of New Orleans. Maybe you're just not lucky. I'm not saying you don't love this country. I'm just wondering how much worse it could be if you were on the other side.
"So, yes, God does speak to you. What he is saying is: 'Take a hint.' "

Quotes: The New Orleans Disaster: We're Killing Ourselves
"For half a century, free-market purists have to great effect denigrated the essential role that modern government performs as some terrible liberal plot. Thus, the symbolism of New Orleans' flooding is tragically apt: Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal and Louisiana Gov. Huey Long's ambitious populist reforms in the 1930s eased Louisiana out of feudalism and toward modernity; the Reagan Revolution and the callousness of both Bush administrations have sent them back toward the abyss. Now we have a president who wastes tax revenues in Iraq instead of protecting us at home. Levee improvements were deferred in recent years even after congressional approval, reportedly prompting EPA staffers to dub flooded New Orleans "Lake George."
None of this is an oversight, or simple incompetence. It is the result of a campaign by most Republicans and too many Democrats to systematically vilify the role of government in American life. Manipulative politicians have convinced lower- and middle-class whites that their own economic pains were caused by "quasi-socialist" government policies that aid only poor brown and black people -- even as corporate profits and CEO salaries soared. For decades we have seen social services that benefit everyone -- education, community policing, public health, environmental protections and infrastructure repair, emergency services -- in steady, steep decline in the face of tax cuts and rising military spending. But it is a false savings; it will certainly cost exponentially more to save New Orleans than it would have to protect it in the first place." --Robert Scheer
Notice to Pat Robertson...
Killing is wrong by *any* standard of ethics including the Christianity you claim as yours. However, your words & actions tell the world that you are *NOT* any sort of Christian that anyone who's read the Bible would be able to identify as such. You are a greedy & hate-filled hypocrite. You and your so-called "Moral Majority" are anything but!!! If, God forbid, the President of Venezuela ends up dead from anything other than old age you should go to prison as an accessory to murder. In the meantime, shut your hate-spewing mouth!
Today I'm tagging along with Freeway Blogger, who also writes under the pseudonym Patrick Randall, on a recent foray to plant messages in the minds of area drivers. He has just posted San Francisco's overpasses with signs that read, "Osama Bin Forgotten," "The War Is A Lie," and "Nobody Died When Clinton Lied."
In the past four years, he says, he's planted more than 2,500 of these brain-mines along California's freeways. He estimates that today's propaganda campaign could reach up to a quarter of a million people. Not bad for a few dollars in supplies and a couple hours of work.
Since the 2000 election, 9/11, and the U.S. military's invasion of two countries, Freeway Blogger has refined the approach to a choreographed dance of message transmission using recycled cardboard, paint, and reconnaissance. "Freeway blogging requires a sense of rhetoric, art, science, demographics, and sneakiness," he tells me. "And it's so much fun! One person can have a hell of an influence if they are willing to break the rules a little."
His approach is Thoreauvian simple. From dumpsters behind appliance stores he scavenges cardboard. He then paints his black-lettered barbs in a rented basement studio. Where his slogans emerge from, who knows – maybe that sordid steam room of the brain where propaganda, poetry, and bumper stickers go to hook up?
Initially, he'd post signs between the witching hour and the stirring of the first commuters. But emboldened by success – and maybe the need to raise the thrill factor – he now goes out at high noon. That's when he picks me up to tag along.
At the first overpass, he pulls off, parks illegally, checks out which way the wind blows, and makes sure no cops or nosy neighbors are watching. Then, with large sunglasses obscuring his face, he grabs "Osama Who?" and a few bungee cords, runs up the overpass ramp, unfolds the sign, clips bungees to keep it in place, and bolts back to the truck. As sweat sparkles on his nose, he grins like a kid who just pulled one on the teacher. "This still has just enough of an adrenaline rush to keep it exciting," he says, and drives back onto the freeway to check out his handiwork. "Isn't she a beauty?" he says with admiration, and cranes his neck for a better look.
"The CHP must have thought there was a whole army of us posting the overpasses," he says with a chuckle. "The reason our founding fathers insisted on free speech is that when the country is threatened from within, citizens can sound the alarm. Now we have a big fucking problem: thanks to one man, the whole world hates us. What better job for an American than to try to salvage just a little bit of his country's reputation?"
And in a country where control of the billboards and airwaves has been consolidated into fewer and fewer hands, Freeway Blogger feels like he's breaking through the relentless propaganda aimed at commuters. "I want more people to realize that this form of free speech is a vulnerable chink in the armor of the corporate-controlled mass media. For the cost of paint and a little gas, I can transmit a message to a million people," he says as we drive to the next target.
I ask him, "Isn't what you do illegal?"
"Technically, yes," he says. "And eventually they will catch me and charge me for creating a visual distraction. Which is ludicrous when huge billboards like this one" – he points to a naked Abercrombie and Fitch hunk draped across the highway – "distract drivers far more than my modest signs ever will."
For more information, see www.freewayblogger.com.
Extracted from: San Francisco Bay Guardian, "Signs of the times:
Freeway Blogger gives Bay Area drivers something to think about,
By Jan Stürmann" 2005 June 08 issue
to sign the Rep John Conyers Jr's (MI) petition requesting the "Shrub" answer for the Downing Street memo...PROOF OF THE LIES, (Shrubby & Blair's plan to attack Iraq well before Congressional or UN approval was sought *&* their intent to lie about WMDs in order to scare the public & Congress into approving this ILLEGAL & EX$PEN$IVE war).
to see whether your Congressperson has taken $ from or given $ to the lying, thieving House Majority Cheater...oops, Leader, Tom DeLay. "In America, you're not allowed to buy the jury. Not even if you're Tom DeLay." Go here, http://ga3.org/campaign/specialcounsel, to petition for a special investigation of DeLay, (apart from the bribed members of the House Ethics Committee).
All 3 WA state Repug Reps took money...Dave Reichert, 8th Dist, topped the list w/ $10,000 (in the top 100 bribes...#72 out of 434). "Voted with DeLay 95.24% of the time (80 votes with, 4 against)
is a member of the Retain Our Majority Program run by DeLay."
It's good the president mentioned this—Al Qaeda has poured millions into training people who hate America to disassemble. Unfortunately, he didn't have time to mention all the OTHER things people who hate America have been trained to do. So as a public service, I will here list just a few:
• lee
• be untrothful
• deceeb
• distorp
• misinfarm
• run a com
• run a reverse com
• prevaricake
and worst of all:
• commit perjappy
...thanks to Tiny Revolution
The only disassembly we've seen going on has been the departure of "coalition" nations from the forces occupying Iraq...
Goodbye Ronnie Raygun (one year posthumous) - Haiku
2004 June 05
Dead at ninety-three--
Finally joins old Bonzo,
His prime role co-star.
Wingnut media
Hypes and deifies this guy
--Give me a break!
Simple-minded puppet
Time to tell it like it was
Know the real Ray-Gun:
Platitudes and shallow thoughts
Never spoke to me.
Busted down a wall?
But who really called that tune?
Gorby was the man.
Trickle down econ?
AKA: "Pee on the poor"
Tax cuts for the rich...
Stolen from programs
That sheltered the downtrodden
...what a heart he had!
Equal rights for all?
You could ask Desmond Tutu--
No friend to non-whites.
Views on ecology?
He said "If you've seen one tree.
you have seen them all."
"Catsup is a vegetable"
Perhaps his poor food habits
Led to dementia
Ralou, Post #2 at AmericasDebate: American Theocracy, Are we headed there?
Ralou, posting on AmericasDebate on 14 May 2005
We *will* fight the Radical Right!
The ideals that the USA is founded upon, & for which so many brave & idealistic people have fought & died throughout our history (& which are the reasons that I'm proud to be an American) are under the most vicious attacks ever faced! And these attacks are *not* from some external bogeyman who looks different, prays to God by another name, nor speaks a different language. These attacks, coming fast & heavy, on nearly a daily basis, are coming from an organized internal group of people who, themselves count on & use the freedoms they are trying to destroy, (for everyone except themselves???).
This greedy, hateful & dare I say, stupid cohort calls itself the "Moral Majority". Well, they are anything but!!! They are the Radical Right.
They are actively taking away your freedom to think & speak & work & pray & play as you wish. (Read the Patriot Act...then read about how the German Nazis locked down their country in the 1930s! Truly a terrifying resemblance!!! Threatening judges...behave or we'll get you. A national citizenship ID card...'Papers, please.' Secret lists for airport security...they won't tell you that you're on it or why, but if you are, you can't fly without severe harrassment.)
DO NOT GIVE AN INCH! Yell & scream & march in the streets! Read! (Turn off your TV.) Talk! Question what you see & hear, (ask 'but what about...?') Call your Senators & House Representatives today & tomorrow & the day after & the day after that! Don't let these megalomaniacs steal your freedoms in the name of 'security' & 'being a good Christian'. Security is based on knowledge, diligence & trust, not fear, hate & secrecy. A true Christian extends love & care beyond self, *especially* toward those that are different, (re-read the Bible story of the Good Samaritan). S/he does not turn others into enemies & non-people so those others can be more easily hated & killed (e.g. 'insurgents' turns humans in to nightmare monsters). A true Christian is generous, sharing even when s/he has very little, rather than saying 'I have mine. I want more. You, poor, go struggle & starve where I can't see.' (Check out the recently passed 'bankruptcy bill', any of the 'free trade' agreements.)
Although the President was vague on the details of his plan, he seemed most enthusiastic about his future ideas for helping his "red brothers".
At the conclusion of his speech, the Tribes presented the President with a plaque inscribed with his new Indian name -- Walking Eagle. The proud President then departed in his motorcade, waving to the crowds.
A news reporter later inquired of the group of chiefs how they came to select the new name given to the President.
They explained that Walking Eagle is "the name given to a bird so full of shit it can no longer fly".
--Thanks to Ron S
"...Any court that considers criminal charges against Saddam Hussein must have the power and the mandate to consider charges against leaders and military personnel of the U.S., Britain and the other nations that participated in the aggression against Iraq, if equal justice under law is to have meaning.
"Both international law and the Constitution of the United States guarantee the right to effective legal representation to any person accused of a crime. This is especially important in a highly politicized situation, where truth and justice can become even harder to achieve. That's certainly the situation today in Iraq. The war has caused the deaths of tens of thousands of Iraqis and the widespread destruction of civilian properties essential to life. President Bush, who initiated and oversees the war, has manifested his hatred for Hussein, publicly proclaiming that the death penalty would be appropriate.
"The United States, and the Bush administration in particular, engineered the demonization of Hussein, and it has a clear political interest in his conviction. Obviously, a fair trial of Hussein will be difficult to ensure — and critically important to the future of democracy in Iraq. This trial will write history, affect the course of violence around the world and have an impact on hopes for reconciliation within Iraq." ---former US Attorney General Ramsey Clark, writing in the 24 Jan 2005 LA Times
Based on this thinking, a president could choose any reprehensible and otherwise unsuitable person to serve in the Cabinet, and the Senator would support the selection. Sen. Murray was elected by liberal Democrats to stand up for our interests in Washington DC. Her inability to take a stand here smacks of appeasement to me, and the only way I can extend any forgiveness to the Senator is my slim hope that this gives Bush enough rope to facilitate his hanging himself.
Ms. Rice's ability to gain respect and credibility before other nations' leaders will not be earned by garnering oppositional Senators' votes. Her inept and deceptive record as National Security Advisor has already damaged her severely. With what authority can she speak when she is seen as Bush's shill? Better that more Senators opposed this action, to demonstrate to the world that not all of the people in the US are afflicted with "mad cowboy disease."
Demonized words and phrases
Voiced to attack Dems
"Liberal" - "Welfare"
"Public schools" - "Progressive" - "Choice"
"Civil Rights" - "Union"
These made U.S. strong
A society of peers
--Still worth fighting for
Another approach...
Turn the tables and talk back
Reveal the code words
Like "Privatize" and
"Tax Rebate" --that mean simply
"Screw the common folk"
Representative Democracy?!?
True Americans already fought against one King George. Looks like we may have to again to get the point across!
"We are determined to foment a rebellion, and will not hold ourselves bound by any laws in which we have no voice or representation."
-- Abigail Adams, 31 March, 1776
"Yea, though I walk through relatively safe streets, I do fear evil (the threat level is orange), for thou hast scared me. My assault rifle comforteth me. Thou anointest my car with oil. My deficit runneth over. Thous preparest my table with fast food in the presence of my television.
"Surely paranoia and resentment will follow me all the days of my life. And I will dwell in the Empire of Fools till I die, uninsured." --Lawrence Swan, 27 December 2004 Letter to The Nation
"Unfortunately, we look more and more like our enemies every day. On an island invaded, sabotaged and barred from U.S. trade and even tourism in the name of spreading our version of democracy, we have erected a massive torture chamber any deranged dictator would envy." --Robert Scheer in the 28 Dec 2004 Los Angeles Times